The story with photo -
Please let me preface this by saying that I am not a religious person. My Mom and Stepfather were vacationing in LasVegas with my Aunt and Uncle. At the time, my uncle was in the final stages of hepatic cancer. After lunch, my mom had my stepfather take a digital photo of she and my aunt and uncle. Immediately after the shot was taken, my uncle turned to my Mom and said, "this might be my last picture!" A short time later, after returning to their hotel, my uncle had to be rushed to the hospital he passed away a few hours later. When my folks returned home from the vacation, upon reviewing the shots downloaded from the camera, they were unable to explain the mysterious glow that seems to only encapsulate my Uncle. They forwarded me the shot. I am a Forensic Videographer. I cleaned up the image and I too cannot explain the glow. Angel of Death, ghost, whatever it is, it remains unexplained. I am sending you the shot as I received it and the enhancement I made.
This is the enhanced version you can enlarge it by Clicking here
I don't notice much difference, but the original can be found Here
isten, I've seen literally HUNDREDS of pictures like this one, and they are all easily explained. The 'glow' seeming to enshoud your Uncle is in fact a reflect from glass; this photograph was taken from behind glass, which is showing a light reflection from the room the photograph is taken in. If you even look at it slightly, you'll agree, it is indeed a reflection
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