I am not normally impressed with ghost photos, but this one is really spooky. Trick of light and shadow or real? Read the story at the link. Wedding Day Ghost
4 Chás para emagrecer 2019
Vamos conhecer alguns desses chás são aliados na hora de perder peso.
Recomendamos que você experimente todos para que possa escolher aqueles que
mais lhe ...
Happy New Year!
*Happy New Year! *
And a reminder that I am pretty much blogging at WordPress now. You can
read my recent posts at Orange Orb on WordPress.
*Thank you!*
Lorelei Inn
In Green Bay, Wisconsin and looking for some good German food? Lorelei Inn
may be the place for you. Built in 1926, this restaurant was named after a
Lights and Rays
A strange phenomenon was captured by two friends returning from a boat hunt
along the Missouri River. The sun was falling toward the sunset when they
My new book is out on Amazon!
My new book is a coloring book for Adults and Children focusing on Crypt...
What Are Ghosts?
I get numerous questions regarding ghosts and how to get rid of them. Alike
some kind of paranormal vermin, people seem paralyzed by their mere
presence. T...
'A Funeral Story'
Jason Offutt’s first novel, “A Funeral Story,” is here.
Flirting with the bereaved isn’t easy Deever Dickson is a normal guy. He
has friends, mows the l...
Missing 411: "The Devil's In The Detail"
A must read!! An excellent write up by Dustin Naef about David Paulides'
latest book Missing 411: The Devil's In The Detail
A Radical Decision
I have come to what some might consider a radical decision! As you may
know, I have so many blogs right now that it's sometimes hard to keep track
of what'...
Links for 2010-09-11 [Digg]
- World War I - Aesop's Fables Up To Date - Antique Postcards
The postcard set was developed as propaganda during the Great War (WW
I), with G...
A Selection of High Strangeness
In light of the fact that I haven't put together yet the entry that I want
to put up, I decided to try something different and put up a short list of
some ...
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