Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ghost Adventures - Bonnie Springs Ranch

Episode Description:
Bonnie Springs Ranch in Blue Diamond, Nevada was built in the 1960s. The ranch was built on top of a trail that was a stop-over for travelers heading to the west coast in the 1800s. Traveling the old spanish trail was an extremely dangerous task. Numerous travelers died from attacks, sickness, and exposure to the elements.

The travelers went through a lot of mental, physical, and emotional pain which could explain the odd occurrences that frequently happen at Bonnie Springs today. Recent visitors and investigators have reported hearing voices, odd feelings, and one woman even left with large scratches down her back.

One man has worked around the ranch for 30 years. He claims he once saw the merry-go-round on the play ground spinning on it's own. As he approached the playground to get a better look, the merry-go-round came to a sudden dead stop. This experience and many more have convinced him that there is a strong spiritual force at the Bonnie Springs Ranch.

Episode Guide:

This Friday, check local listings.

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